Time is Precious

We all know that time is precious. Yet, even though sages through the ages have cautioned us to Seize the Day, we don’t.

Time… rolls unnoticed.

We spend it.
Or we waste it.
And we even kill it.
Time is a finite resource, but we behave as if it were infinite because, at the deepest level, we deny the fact of death in our everyday lives.
Only a fool… or a person too busy to think….will not do what it takes to live life to its fullest while he can.
Stop and ask yourself, “Are you doing what matters most to you?” Take an inventory today on how you spend your time. Try to get the best return on your investment. 

Here are Dr. Hallowell’s 3 Tips to managing your time:

#1 Do what matters most to you: 

One way to wrestle back control is to take a hard look at our priorities and decide what matters.” Don’t spread yourself too thin – you must choose, you must prioritize.

#2 Learn to say, “No thank you.”

Be careful not to overcommit. It’s okay to say, “No thank you.” If you don’t want to say no, then give yourself some time and say, “Let me think about it and get back to you.”

#3 Slow down: Stop, think and ask  yourself, what’s your hurry? 

Why wake up, already impatient, and rush around and try to squeeze in more things than you should, thereby leading you to do all of it less well?  Your hurry is your enemy.

In his YouTube video, Dr. Hallowell explains how to Curtail, Delegate and Eliminate.

If you have ADHD and having difficulty managing your time, read Dr. Hallowell’s blog post on ADHD and Time. 

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