Treating Typical Accompanying Conditions

There are a number of conditions that commonly accompany ADHD, sometimes referred to as co-morbidities.

We can treat these conditions, and assess whether they exist in combination with ADHD or in isolation. Women and girls may often be diagnosed with anxiety and depression for example, when it is actually ADHD that is the underlying condition. Treat the ADHD and the anxiety and depression are greatly reduced or disappear.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that can cause significant social, communication and behavior challenges. ASD begins in early childhood and eventually causes problems functioning socially, in school and at work. Our neuropsychologists can test for autism spectrum disorders if that is a specific question. We have clinicians trained to work with higher level autism spectrum disorders.

Bipolar disorder is marked by dramatic shifts in a person’s mood, behavior, thought, and ability to think clearly. People with bipolar experience high and low moods known as manic depression which differ from the typical ups-and-downs most people experience.

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression because a person’s mood can alternate between the “poles”—mania (highs) and depression (lows). The change in mood can last for hours, days, weeks, or months.

Clinical depression involves the body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as feeling down or blue. It is not a bad mood or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely pull themselves together and get better. Without treatment, symptoms of clinical depression can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment can help most people who suffer from clinical depression.

Dysthymia or persistent depressive disorder, is a continuous long-term (chronic) form of depression that may seriously affect your normal daily activities, result in low self-esteem and a feeling of hopelessness and loss of productivity. These feelings can have a negative impact on your relationships, school, work and daily activities. Since these feelings generally last for years, you may feel it’s a normal part of your life.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, worry, panic attacks or headaches, it may be hard to recall the last time you weren’t feeling tense, worried, or on edge. Anxiety can cause sudden panic attacks, may interfere with your personal or professional responsibilities, and is often tied to depression and insomnia. When you feel overwhelmed, you need a safe and rapid solution that can relieve your anxiety and help you regain your confidence and zest for life.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly referred to as OCD, is characterized by obsessions and compulsions. People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessive thoughts and urges or compulsive, repetitive behaviors or both. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships. If you feel you may have OCD, seeking a diagnosis is the first step.

People with panic disorder have sudden and repeated attacks of fear that can occur at any time and last for several minutes or more. These panic attacks are characterized by a fear of disaster or of losing control even when there is no real danger. People experiencing a panic attack may feel anxious and overwhelmed. Some may experience a pounding or racing heart, sweating, chills, chest pains, dizziness, or nausea. Left untreated, panic disorder can lower your quality of life because it may lead to other fears and mental health disorders, problems at work or school, and social isolation.

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is a strong, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger. There are many specific phobias. Treatment helps most people with phobias and can include medicines, therapy or both. When should you seek therapy? Generally when the phobia causes intense anxiety, fear, or panic and it prevents you from living your normal life or causes significant distress.

PTSD is a condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better.

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