Neuropsychological Testing

Neuropsychological testing is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive and behavioral functions, using a set of standardized tests and procedures administered by a Doctor or  a psychologist to identify potential areas of suspected impairment. Not everyone needs this, and we will advise you in your initial consultation. A neuropsychological assessment can help you understand your child’s needs, how much progress he or she has made, and how best to help them learn and make progress over the next 4 months so they are ready for the new school year.

There can be many reasons to get a neuropsychological assessment. An assessment can provide diagnostic clarification, fulfill the requirements for educational accommodations for schools and colleges, and provide needed information for state services. A clear picture of cognitive strengths and weaknesses derived from the assessment can be particularly helpful to explore potential vocational careers or modification of current positions.

Various tests are used to measure:

    • Problem solving and conceptualization
    • Executive functioning (planning and organizing)
    • Attention, memory and learning
    • Intelligence (analyzing skills and abilities)
    • Cognitive flexibility
    • Language
    • Academic skills
    • Perceptual, processing and motor abilities
    • Emotions, behavior and personality

These tests, administered by Ph.D. psychologists at the Hallowell ADHD Centers, are recommended for many people in whom we suspect impairment of cognitive and emotional functioning. This testing can greatly enhance diagnosis, treatment selection, and educational planning. Because each person is different, the tests selected may vary. The doctor selects the tests to administer, then scores and interprets them afterward. Each neuropsychological examination is tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual.

The tests take about 6-8 hours to complete and do not involve any invasive procedures. The testing report, which takes a few weeks to write, will help confirm or clarify diagnosis, identify strengths and weaknesses, document changes in intellectual functioning, provide recommendations for compensatory strategies and may indicate referral to specialists in education, neurology, psychiatry or psychotherapy.

Upon completion of the evaluation, feedback is provided usually within 3 weeks of testing. Results regarding the diagnosis and implications for educational, vocational and behavioral treatments and a treatment plan is generated.

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