ADHD and Productivity

It was my pleasure to welcome Kristin Seymour back to Distraction to discuss ADHD and Productivity. Kristin knows firsthand how tough it is to have be productive when you have ADHD. Not only does she have ADHD, but Kristin is the mom of two ADHD teens, and she’s also an ADHD specialist. In S3 Ep 9, she shares more of her “life hacks” along with some special advice for parents of ADHD kids.

LISTEN NOW to Kristin’s sage advice on ADHD and productivity. You’ll learn how to achieve productivity in the midst of chaos.

ADHD and Time Management – What is in your time bank account?

We are all too familiar with this the term. If you are suffering with time management just recently or if it has been an issue for years, I am going to ask you to look at time through a new lens. We all have the same amount of time per day in our “time bank account. Twenty-four hours every day. Simple. What are some of the common “time overdraft” traits that are encountered? How does time management affect your ADHD and productivity? Click HERE to learn more. 

Are you a procrastinator?

If you’re a procrastinator, click here to learn if your procrastination style is working for you.

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