For those of us who have  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD,) anger is common and can be a big problem.  Now is a particularly tough time for people with ADHD. People with ADHD don’t like being told what to do. So having to “shelter-in-place” because of Covid-19 and feeling “fenced in” sets us up to be unusually prone to anger.

Instead of waiting for the situation to arise in which you get angry and perhaps become destructive, try developing strategies for dealing with your anger in advance.  Try working on ways to reduce the anger and frustration you carry around with you.

These methods might include:

  • Frequent exercise to work off stress
  • Control of substance use so that you do not lower your level of self-control with drugs like alcohol or cocaine.
  • Regular practice of meditation or prayer.
  • Getting a reasonable amount of sleep every night.
  • Psychotherapy or coaching to learn how to put feelings into words instead of action

Of course, anger can get the better of everyone from time to time, whether you have ADHD or not. When anger gets the best of you, however,  accept the human inevitability of messing up and do not let the sinking feeling of here-we-go-again devastate you.  Instead, learn from the experience and say,  “I messed up. I apologize. Let me make it right.”

ADHD and AngerIn this YouTube Video on ADHD and Anger, I discuss how to identify and watch out for your triggers and why now is a particularly tough time for people with ADHD.  You’ll also learn how to manage your expectations, reign in your tendency to loose control and why it’s important to connect with others.



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