ADHD and Isolation

ADHD and ISOLATION: Isolation is often the by-product of shame, pessimism, and negativity. It intensifies the shame and negativity, and can lead to depression, toxic anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, and generally poor performance in all aspects of life.

Staying connected with others is the most important life line any of us has. And yet, as naturally inclined to connect as most people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are, their shame and negativity can grow so intense as to lead them to cut themselves off.

What To Do When You Feel This Happening To You

If you feel this happening to you, do all you can to counteract it. You may feel that all you want to do is to hide. Try as hard as you can not to let yourself do that.

  • Talk to a friend.
  • Go see a therapist.
  • Pick up the telephone and call someone you trust.

How Isolation Develops

Isolation develops gradually, almost imperceptibly, and you justify it to yourself as it happens. “Those people are just a bunch of hypocrites.” “They don’t really want me there.” “I’m too tired.” “I just want to stay at home and relax.” “I need my down time.” “My doctor told me to avoid stressful situations.” Of course, isolation is better than the company of nasty, disapproving, shame-inducing witches and warlocks.


So, as you try to reconnect, do so judiciously. One friend makes for a good start. Have a regular lunch date. Or a weekly squash game!

Learn about ways to connect here.

In this YouTube video Dr. Hallowell discuss the power of vitamin connect – the other vitamin C. The Surgeon General named loneliness as the #1 medical problem in the country. Moments of connection can boost your spirits. It’s in your power to live a life rich in human connection. WATCH NOW!

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