ADHD The Key to the Best Outcome

People often ask me, “What’s the key to getting the best outcome in working with ADHD?”

There is no one key.  Watch out for simplistic solutions and the people who offer them. There is no one best remedy, there is no one best system, there is no one best medication or nutritional supplement.  And what works for one person will not necessarily work for you or your child.

However, having treated ADHD in children and adults for over 30 years now, and having ADHD as well as dyslexia myself, I can say with absolute certainty that while there is no one key, we do have a marvelous assortment of keys that open many of the doors untreated ADHD can seem to close.  The doors to success, personal fulfillment, joy, health, and lifelong satisfaction.

“The key” is to find the various keys that work for you.

The best way to do this is to work with a doctor who knows that vast array of available keys.  Sadly, such doctors can be hard to find.  If that’s the case for you, start with my books.  Start with Delivered from Distraction and SuperParenting for ADD.  Those books will show you many keys that might work for you or your child.  As you read, you will start to smile and fill up with knowledge and knowledge’s sibling, hope.

I can tell you for sure that there is always a realistic chance for major improvement.  So don’t settle for mediocre results.  People with ADHD are champions in the making.  Above all, I want you to know this just as surely as I know it. You, or your child, are champions in the making.  Let me help you get there, either through my books, or sign up for a free patient care consult and find out how The Hallowell Centers can help you.

Finally, the great mistake people make as they work with their ADHD or their child’s is settling for less than the best outcome.  Please don’t make that mistake yourself.

Next Steps:

If you think you or someone you know may have ADHD, learn what ADHD is and about Getting an ADHD Diagnosis.

Educate yourself about the signs of ADHD in Adults and in Children.

ADHD KeysIf you have a child with ADHD, then you probably try hard to figure out how to manage it. And sometimes, it feels like there are key secrets locked behind an iron door. Dr. Hallowell collaborated with Impact ADHD to create a  video and training program called: 4 Keys to Unlocking the Gifts of ADHD.

Special price of $35 for Dr. Hallowell’s followers.

If you’re looking for non-medication treatment for ADHD and Dyslexia, learn more HERE.


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