HALLOWELL Center Boston MetroWest COVID-19 UPDATES

Dr. Hallowell's RulesDear Clients,

Our staff at The Hallowell Center Boston MetroWest  are concerned, just as you likely are, about the possible spread of the Covid-19 virus. We are closely monitoring the current situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). We want to do all we can on our end to minimize and to slow the spread of the virus.

At this time, the Hallowell Center Boston MetroWest remains open to meet your needs. We are still doing TESTING in the office and following CDC safety guidelines to keep you safe. Now would be a good time to schedule Neuropsychological Testing for  your child.

A neuropsychological assessment can help you understand your child’s needs, how much progress he or she has made, and how best to help them learn and make progress over the next 4 months so they are ready for the new school year.

All other services will be provided remotely for the foreseeable future. All of our clinicians are geared up to work with clients through virtual platforms, or even just the telephone, although having a visual does enhance the experience.

Call our office to get instructions to set this up (it’s WAY simple if I can do it, believe me!) so we can remain connected and provide the hope and help we’re in the business of providing.

To reach our front desk to schedule an appointment, change an appointment or other information please call us, 978-287-0810.

You may also email them at @ hallowellreferralssudbury@gmail.com.


If you need a prescription or prior authorization, please contact your clinician.

New Patients

If you wish to inquire about being a new patient and we are accepting new patients you can email hallowellreferralssudbury@gmail.com

To help achieve the shared goal of not getting sick, let us offer the following suggestions: 

  • wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds each time you come into a new space (or use Purell);
  • notice when you touch your face, and wash your hands after doing so;
  • cough or sneeze into your elbow;
  • use tissues and throw them away right after using them; and
  • avoid shaking hands or having other unnecessary physical contact.

If you do get sick, please call your primary care doctor for instructions before going to their office or to an urgent care or ER. If there is a real risk that you have COVID-19, they will order that test and direct you to a specialized testing site. This will protect you and others from unnecessary exposure.

We are here for you. Keep in touch.

Warm Regards,

Edward Hallowell, M.D., Founder
The Hallowell Center

P.S. Remember my motto, “Never worry alone.”


Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.

World Health Organization


Reducing AnxietyYour mental health is important during these uncertain times. In this week’s podcast, Dr. Hallowell checks-in regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, and reminds listeners of ways to deal with the stress and anxiety.

Listen NOW!

Working From Home? If you don’t want the Corona Virus to Infect Your Productivity, then CoreCoaching is the antidote! Learn more HERE.

Dr. Hallowell shares some basic facts about COVID-19 and practical advice on prevention and reducing anxiety in his podcast. LISTEN HERE!

Remember to stay safe, be careful and never worry alone!

How to talk to kids about the coronavirus, Hallowell Todaro blog post.

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