Dr. Hallowell's RulesDear Clients,

Our staff at The Hallowell Center SFO  are concerned, just as you likely are, about the possible spread of the Covid-19 virus. We continue to closely monitor the situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). We want to do all we can on our end to minimize and to slow the spread of the virus.

We are open to meet your needs, but all of the services will be provided remotely for the foreseeable future.

All of our clinicians are geared up to work with clients through virtual platforms, or even just the telephone, although having a visual does enhance the experience. Call our office to get instructions to set this up (it’s WAY simple if I can do it, believe me!) so we can remain connected and provide the hope and help we’re in the business of providing.

To reach our front desk for additional information or further assistance, please call 415-967-0061 or email  frontdesk@hallowellcenter.org.   If you wish to inquire about being a new patient, please see below.

New Patients

We are accepting new patients.  If you wish to inquire about being a new patient , please fill out the form below or email Carey at carey@hallowellcenter.org or call 415-967-0061.

We are here for you. Keep in touch.

Warm Regards,

Gabrielle Anderson, Ph.D.
Director of Psychology


Edward Hallowell, M.D., Founder
The Hallowell Center

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