The Wonderful World of Bryan Rigg

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Bryan Rigg is a military historian with a Phd from Yale and the author of 4 books. But at the start of life Bryan struggled, his then undiagnosed ADHD causing him lots of difficulties. After diagnosis, a teacher who took time to understand and support him made all the difference and helped him on the path to a successful and rewarding life.
Show Notes
Podcast: Dr. Hallowell’s Wonderful World of Different
Episode: Ep. 17 – Bryan Rigg
Welcome to Dr. Hallowell’s Wonderful World of Different, a podcast hosted by Dr. Ned Hallowell that features a wide range of guests from various backgrounds to help uncover and celebrate the differences among people. From approaching life to problem-solving and to having fun, we discuss it all! Together, we will break down the notions of normal and abnormal, and trade them for an exploration of the talents everyone has.
On today’s episode, Dr. Hallowell welcomes guest Bryan Rigg, a friend from Texas who has an impressive, fascinating, and even surprising story to share! Bryan jumps right into recounting his journey, beginning with his mother’s early realization that there was something unique about him. Bryan’s childhood prior to his school years is aptly summed up by an image he shared – the image of a diaper-clad little Bryan found by a neighbor while exploring the street in the middle of the night. Bryan’s energy levels were remarkable, and he struggled with speech and management of emotions. Eventually, his mother brought him to the Child Study Center for testing, and he was diagnosed with what later came to be called ADHD. Mainstream school did not suit him, as he failed first grade twice, and the jeers of his peers left him with lasting trauma.
However, Bryan’s doctor suggested he transition to Starpoint School, and spending a year at this school made all the difference for him. He entered the school demoralized and fragile, but his teacher, Mary Stewart, was the saving angel who changed his life. She explained to him that there was nothing wrong with him; he was learning-different, not learning-disabled. She and her colleagues at Starpoint found things that students were passionate about and used those things to foster learning. For Bryan, an interest in the Titanic opened the door to all kinds of learning, and after only one year away he was able to return to mainstream school.
The seed planted at Starpoint has yielded a great deal of fruit in his life; not only did he graduate from Yale University and earn both a masters degree and PhD, but he is the author of four books relating to World War II. He is a father of three, is now in the financial advising space, and has even spent time in the Marine Corp; he is a multi-talented individual who has channeled his uniqueness in compelling ways. And he is a marvelous example of the sort of results kindness and fostering self-confidence can yield!
Learn more about Starpoint School
Check out Bryan’s website to learn more about him and check out his books!
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