In this Distraction episode on Race and Privilege, I discuss the attack and murder of George Floyd and racism. I also acknowledge I am a privileged white man. Certainly a part of the problem. Even though I like to think I’m not part of the problem, but part of the solution, Yet, I have without doubt in unconscious ways, continued the problem. So I ask:
“What can we do about it?”

I’m resolving to do everything I can moving forward in my own life, to rectify the situation. To build as many bridges as I can. I hope you will join me in reaching out and building bridges. Let’s get to know one another. Let’s have a little dialogue so we can understand what needs to be done. Together we can turn the terrible murder of George Floyd into something redeeming, enlightening, uplifting and transforming. Please join me in reaching out and building bridges.
Read the article referred to in this episode: A conversation: Retired African American MLB players on race, baseball, America
Read my blog on Hope Up’s about our responsibility to listen, learn and take action.
Talking to Your Children About Racism
It is critically important that we talk to our children about racism, the death of George Floyd, race and privilege, and the protests and violence that have spread across the country. Read these articles on:
- How to Talk To Your Kids About Race by Elaine Taylor Krauss; and,
- Talking to Kids About George Floyd by Harold Koplewicz, MD
Want to help?
Support the Black Lives Matter Movement with a donation to one of the organizations below:
- Black Visions Collective
- The Bail Project
- Communities United Against Police Brutality
- Know Your Rights Camp
The Racial Inequity of ADHD Treatment
Evidence shows that people of color — Black and Latino in particular — are much less likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD,) even though they show symptoms at the same rate as white people. Furthermore, when a person isn’t diagnosed, he isn’t as likely to receive the treatment that can change the arc of his life. Treatment to help him manage everything from schoolwork to relationships to career. Certainly these are critical areas where people of color often face already-strong disadvantages. Learn why this is happening and what needs to be done to fix it in this ADDitude Magazine article on Children Left Behind.